Lifting Hearts and Minds
Call: (818) 349-3304
Our Goal:
New Minority Pilots
Over Five to Ten Years
Our Mission
The Minority Pilot Advancement Foundation is a Nonprofit committed to increasing the number of minority airline pilots in the skies through exposure to the aviation industry. Education about the major opportunities in the aviation industry for minorities, and to give them the financial backing and tools to become an airline pilot by offering grants to pay for their training. We have a goal to add 100,000 new minority pilots to the airline industry over the next five to ten years.
Did you know that less than three percent of all airline pilots are African American and less than one percent of minority pilots are female? Did you also know that 80% of active pilots will reach mandatory retirement age within 10 years? It is estimated that we will have a shortage of over 60,000 pilots at the start of 2022 and over 655,000 pilots will be needed worldwide over the next two decade. Did you know that the average major carrier airline pilot makes over $200,000 a year and only works fifteen days a month?
What are the Requirements?
Do I need some fancy, hard-to-get degree to become a pilot?
No College Degree Required!
All you need is:
- A high school diploma
- The ability to read and write in English
- No felony convictions
Minority Pilot Advancement Foundation
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